The Supreme Court library is a section within the Supreme Court responsible for the collection of information materials that support legal research and the growth and development of jurisprudence.
The library is closed access meaning that it does not allow access to Advocates and members of the public but is restricted to the Supreme Court Judges, Judicial Officers, Law Clerks and Supreme Court Staff. It also provides remote access to other courts and advocates who make prior arrangements.
The collection development stands at 4000 information materials in print form. The collection largely mirrors the court’s jurisdiction and as a result, its strength lies in the Constitutional and Human Rights subject areas. Access to online legal platforms like Hein online and LexisNexis is restricted to internal users. To access larger Judiciary collection, Users are advised to information and Records Management Unit. Tap on the following link to access the electronic inventory of the Supreme Court library collection.
The library is open as from 8.30 am to 5.00 p.m. regardless of its closed access. Reach out to us for reference and research purposes.